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Miért éppen turbán?

Why a turban?

How did you come up with the idea to launch turbans?

The turban and my personal relationship did not just begin. It was a nice piece of clothing for some reason.

I first became a turbaned Rozi in the gym, who used a turban to protect her hair from the heat every time she went to the sauna.

Then due to an unfortunate turn of events, which was an illness, I had to make my everyday wear comfortable. No matter how high-quality and premium a person chooses, the wig is not comfortable. Especially in the long run.

That's how I started wearing turbans and I surprisingly found that many people didn't even think about why. The biggest problem was the sparse selection. :)

The result of this is Rose's Turban , with which one of my goals is to bring healthy and diseased women a little closer together.

Looking at the world a little more broadly , the turban is a fashionable accessory that I would like to make a part of everyday wear at home.

Since I have my own collection, it cannot be missing from my suitcase wherever I go.

Why a turban?

Thus, an unexpected safari evening was no surprise. :) The evening outfit turned out to be quite authentic. Dare to try new accessories.

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Miért éppen turbán?

Why a turban?

No matter how high-quality and premium a person chooses, the wig is not comfortable. Especially in the long run. That's how I started wearing turbans and I surprisingly found that...


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